Monday, January 27, 2014

Home Inventory- The list that will make your life much easier after a loss

If you were to sit and list of all the items in your home, could you do it?

If you think you could, consider this: Do you remember the serial numbers of your electronics? After a loss, do you want to have to concern yourself with listing all these items? An hour of planning ahead could save you time and effort down the road when you're attempting to file a claim.

How do I do a home inventory? 

  • Take photos or video of every room in your home. (Be sure to open closets and other storage spaces.) 
  • Document serial numbers. Your electronics should have serial numbers on the back of the devices. Make sure you have these in the event of a loss. Think about it: If you had a theft, there would be no way for police to identify your electronics if they don't know the serial number of the items they are searching for. 
  • Document the outside of your home. Patio furniture, gazebos, fences and other items outside your home may be covered under your homeowners policy. 
  • Call your agent to be sure your valuables are covered. While doing your inventory, be sure to keep an eye out for items whose values are more than your policy limitations. Do you have expensive jewelry? Do you have a collection of coins or firearms? You may need additional coverage that can be added to your homeowners policy. 
  • Gather important documents in one place. Do you know where your social security cards, birth certificates and other important papers are located? If you don't have a fireproof safe to store these in, consider a safety deposit box at a nearby bank.  
Why is this important? 
If you need to file a claim with your insurance company, you will need to verify your possessions so that they can calculate your settlement. A picture or video is truly worth a thousand words. The time saved from having this inventory ready to hand over is invaluable. 

If you have any questions about inventories, feel free to contact our office. (941) 966-5900 or email 

Is there a tool to help me get started? You can use these tools to create a comprehensive list or just as a guide for photo and video documentation.